Troy University, Vietnam National University alum credits partnership with career success

Thời gian đăng: 04/07/24

Le Phan Minh Nhat, a 2023 graduate of Troy University’s Bachelor of International Affiliated Business Administration program at the University of Economics & Business – Vietnam National University (VNU-UEB) in Hanoi, has successfully turned the skills he learned from the program into a career that aligns with his goals. 
Le Phan was a member of the 2018-2023 cohort who graduated with honors, actively participated in extracurriculars and is now working as a Business Specialist at the Customer Development Department of A&T Trading Corporation, one of the leading companies in agricultural exports. He credits TROY’s BSBA program with helping him obtain the practical knowledge needed to succeed in his career.
“Besides learning and reading materials in English, some subjects helped me with my job, like business communication, which made writing emails or talking to international clients more professional and easier,” he said. “The International trade course helped me understand the market more, so when working I can understand why other countries need to import certain goods or why we need to import from other countries.”
“I decided on the program because of the reputation of Troy University and VNU-UEB. Troy University is a highly ranked and prestigious university in the United States, preparing me with the knowledge and skills for the labor market,” he said. “Additionally, I liked the international study environment with a 100 percent English-taught curriculum and direct instruction from American lecturers.”
Le Phan said not only did he improve his English and business skills, the program helped him to better develop soft skills, analytical thinking and critical thinking.
Despite the myriad of skills learned, Le Phan said the most impressive part of the program at the VNU-UEB campus are the lecturers, like Stan Blankenship who was the director of Fruit of the Loom for 36 years.
“Not only the American lecturers, but also the Vietnamese ones. The teachers in this program are very knowledgeable and have held very top-notch positions in the past,” he said. “Being taught by the lecturers of the Troy University BSBA Program, I have genuinely broadened my horizons, especially when they share their work experience. To this day, I still remember the stories and experiences of the professors, which are also valuable resources that I apply in my current job.”
Now a graduate of the program, Le Phan offered several pieces of advice to current students who are nearing graduation themselves: take non-graded class presentations seriously, embrace teamwork, commit yourself to your work and always be professional.
“Troy University BSBA students have a distinct advantage over other students, which is presentation skills. Frequent presentations help you be more confident during interviews, responding to employers clearly and coherently,” he said. “Teamwork skills are another difference of Troy University BSBA graduates. Teamwork is essential in enterprises. If you are writing a résumé or about to have an interview, don’t forget to mention these advantages.
“If you want to advance in your career… use that passion to gain much experience, know a lot about your industry and build relationships.”
Chương trình Cử nhân Quản trị kinh doanh (Quốc tế) - BSBA Troy là chương trình hệ chính quy liên kết đào tạo giữa Trường Đại học Kinh tế - ĐHQGHN và Đại học Troy (Troy University, Mỹ). Đây là chương trình đào tạo 100% bằng tiếng Anh và được AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) kiểm định chất lượng đào tạo. Sinh viên chương trình BSBA sẽ được Đại học Troy cấp bằng cử nhân chuẩn Mỹ và được Bộ GD&ĐT Việt Nam công nhận văn bằng. 
Chương trình BSBA Troy có 02 chuyên ngành chuyên sâu: 
-       Quản lý (Management)
-       Phân tích dữ liệu (Data Analytics)
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